Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Paint-Task 9

There is a white wall in our house that has driven me crazy since we moved in.  It is not a wall one often looks at unless you are laying on the floor.  The man who owned the house before us apparently stained the ceiling before we bought the house and did not do a very good job at that.  It was something we did not notice until one day when I was laying on the floor with Little Man.  It has driven me crazy ever since. 

It has been almost seven years since we moved in and I decided it was time for the wall to be painted.  I had every intention of doing it myself.  I went to the hardware store to pick up samples, went back for the paint, and then all of a sudden Andy was painting the wall.  He apparently does not trust my painting abilities. Oh well....the wall is done.  

1 comment:

  1. Never question the good fortune of someone else wanting to do the painting for you (even more so for any wallpapering). Just stand back and remember to say "great job" and "thank you" so that maybe they will do the same thing next time! ;-)
