Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Task 3: Craftsbury Outdoor Center

Yet another task for 2014 completed.  Cross-Country Skiing at Craftsbury Outdoor Center.  I have heard from several people that it is beautiful and worth the drive, but like most things in Vermont, it is so far from the beaten path that if you get lost you're on your own (we did get lost just in case you're wondering, but the gruff old Vermonter shoveling his driveway got us back on track).
Once we finally arrived at our destination, we made out way to the Nordic center to rent skis for Little Man.  He was very happy when the woman gave him poles and guarded them with his life (I have not let him use them at the other place we have gone to). 
Once we were suited up and on the classic tracks, Little Man was off.  There were a lot more people here to watch than other places we have gone to and I think he was trying to keep up with some of the groups that went speeding past.  He was even more excited when we arrived at our first hill.  He will deny this to the bitter end, but there was a definite "wahoo" as he sped to the bottom.  He actually made us turn around so he could go down the hill again. 
However, the sad truth of the day was it was only 18 degrees outside and an hour was about all we could handle.  Little Man did great until we were in sight of the Nordic center.  He sped up and fell a few times in that last little stretch and became frustrated.  I would say the words "don't talk to me" came out of his mouth at least seven times over 150 meters, and there was no way I could purchase hot chocolate quick enough.  I did ask him if he would like to come back on a warmer day; he said he would, so despite the cold he must have liked it. 
Another thing checked of the list, and something we would return to; on a warmer day. 

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