Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Utility Trip

Typically when going to the farmers market on a Saturday morning, there is a free flow type of feel to the trip.  Not this Saturday; we were on a mission.  Little Man was out of honey for his toast, Andy was out of nut butter, and I needed some elderberry syrup to kick this cold that does not want to go away.  Everyone walked into the farmers market with a plan. 
The plan was so extreme that we had a mild 5 year old melt down in the middle of the farmers market.  Andy and I were concentrating on the items we needed and walked right by the Pakistani food vendor on our way to the honey table.  The poor honey man asked Little Man if he wanted to sample some of the honey and he just about lost it right there.  After paying for the honey, we lovingly pulled Little Man off to the side and asked what was wrong.  In the saddest most distraught voice possible he explained that we had just walked past lunch.  His lunch! We slowly backtracked and sat down to enjoy lunch and the band that was playing on stage.  Next time, we will head to the farmers market with a more relaxed agenda. 

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