Sunday, October 20, 2013

With Love From Vermont

I am continually looking for ways to teach Little Man to value the lives of others.  I have found that it can be hard when you have a 5 year old.  There are many volunteer organizations that will not let you bring younger children - for many reasons.  Last year, however, we came across Feed My Starving Children and found so many different ways to incorporate giving and serving into our lives.  In addition to the rice box on our kitchen table that spare change goes into, they hold several fundraisers that incorporate ways to serve the local community as well as Feed My Starving Children.  In the end, it all culminates with one big amazing event; the Mobile Pack. 
 A Mobile Pack is one big incredible day where hundreds of volunteers come together to package food that will be sent around the world; in our case Haiti.  For two-hour shifts people come and package food that will eventually fill a container that will be shipped off to children in need.  Because we helped organize the event last year, we came back to help set up this year.  For Little Man, it was 3 hours of setting up and 2 hours of packing.  He did amazing (even though he did lose all motivation the last 30 minutes of our packing session).  This year for our packing session we were even able to convince 3 other families with kids ages 5-8 to join us.  It was a wonderful day, and I would highly recommend it to any parent looking for ways to teach their child the value of serving others. 

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