Saturday, June 8, 2013

Master Manipulator

After five years, you would think I would have figured out that Little Man is a master manipulator capable of making natural disaster work for him.  Due to yet another rainy day, T-ball and a concert in a vineyard we were planning on going to this evening were both canceled.  This presented us with the ultimate problem; what do we do with a five year old who is jumping off the walls by 8:30am, that everyone else in the state of Vermont is not doing today?  We toiled over the decision for 30 minutes and decided that we would run the errands for the day (animal feed, lunch, etc.) and hopefully a solution would present itself.  Throughout the morning, Little Man  kept telling us he wanted to go to the snowflake museum.  Both Andy and I shot this idea down several times, since we have been there more times than we can count and the museum is all of a ten minute excursion that would not fill the day. 
Mid-day, after all the errands had been run, I suggested to Little Man that we go for a walk behind the Mill (the snowflake museum is in the Mill).  Little Man quickly agreed to this and off we went.  Upon exiting the car and heading for the trail, I noticed the bridge connecting the parking area to the trails had been washed away during the last set of storms, and in its place a rather large chasm with a rickety board across it, and rushing water below.  I contemplated crossing the board,but decided against it since I had Little Man in tow and did not want to chance it.  As we stood there looking at the spot where the bridge once stood, Little Man looked at the mill with a smile on his face and suggested we go to the Snowflake Museum.  Admitting defeat, we headed off to the museum. 

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