Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Few Moments of Sunshine

We had our few moments of sunshine for the week, so I decided to wander around the yard and see what was going on in the thoroughly saturated world behind the house. 
My first stop was the strawberry plants, and amazingly enough I found a few that are almost ready to be eaten, despite the lack of sunshine the past two months. 
 Next up was the mass quantity of forget-me-nots that have cropped up between the coop and the strawberry bed.  Prior to this year, this area had been consumed by knotweed.  We finally won the battle in this area and have been blessed by flowers. 
Next, I wandered over to the perennial bed where my lupines are in full bloom and my peonies and poppies are just waiting for a little more sunshine to show off.  Each had one early bloomer.  Praying for some sunshine this weekend. 

Over on the patio, I found one tomato amazingly enough.  Despite the over saturation my tomatoes have experienced, one is beginning to bear some fruit.  I might just have a few tomatoes this summer after all. 
 While I was wondering around the yard, checking to see how much the excessive rain and deer have impacted my gardens; Little Man was continuing his battle with the one patch of knot weed we have yet to get rid off.  I am hoping by the end of the summer he will have successfully eliminated this patch. 

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks beautiful! Wish we still had our peonies but they are long gone.
