Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Making Yogurt: Finally Got it!

I have made several attempts at making yogurt in the past; from using raw milk, to store bought milk, measuring the temperature to an exact science, you name it, I've tried it.  I had reached the point at which those yogurt maker machines looked like a wonderful investment.  Then my office mate found a foolproof recipe online that was amazingly easy.  I finally can make my own yogurt. 
To start off with, you put the milk(she uses a half gallon, I have a bigger crock pot and did a gallon) in a crock pot on low for 2.5 hours (mine was actually 3 because I forgot about it).  Then you turn the pot off and let it sit for 3 hours. After that you whisk in a yogurt culture(small container of yogurt from the store works just fine), wrap it in a towel to hold the moisture in and let it sit for 8 hours.  Super easy!
 Little Man wanted strawberries and honey in his. 
 I read that you can freeze yogurt, so I set some aside to place in the freezer to see if it works.  That will make this process even easier if they freeze well. 
There you have it, homemade yogurt and much cheaper than buying it from the store.


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