Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Farmer's Market Season Has Begun

I love summer farmer's markets. In fact, I love them much more than winter farmer's markets .  The produce selection is much happier and the locations are amazing.  Not to mention there are many different locations to choose from, each with its own individual personality.  Did I mention I really like summer farmers markets? 
Not only was today my first summer farmer's market day, the boys opted to go to the store for popsicles, which left me to my own devices at the farmer's market.  Not always a good plan for them, but for me it was wonderful.  The only instruction they gave me was to get something that would go with dinner.  Pass by the lady with the greens: check that one off my list.  Now on to my own shopping. 
First off, replace the sad tomato plant that is on its last leg; check.  Next stop by the wine table, sample some wine and pick the perfect selection for the evening.  Now what goes with wine?  Vegan gluten free cheese cake?  Why not?- the sample tastes pretty good.  Time to go home?  Nope, not until I buy some of the wonderful looking strawberries on my way out.  You know, because they will be a nice complement to the wine and cheesecake.  I love summer farmer's markets. 

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