Thursday, May 23, 2013

Amazing Park Challenge

This past weekend, in a split second decision, I managed to get myself talked into doing The Amazing Park Challenge though one of the local rec departments. My friend was very convincing.  In short, you receive a passport book and adventure pack(snack, water bottle, bandana) for each "team" and have 10 parks you need to go to during the summer to complete various challenges.  Challenges range from building a rock formation to finding clues and completing the tasks listed on them. My friend was on the way to the kick off party and decided that she wanted company on her excursions this year.  I apparently looked like the most willing participant.  Anyway, at the park there were challenges that needs to be completed that ranges from making a pine cone bird feeder to Zumba.  Yes, I did zumba in a public park where people could see me. Once you had finished all six of the challenges you received credit for that park and were entered into a raffle.  Actually in all, it was pretty fun and I am looking forward to exploring the parks with out friends this summer.  So, thank you Lisa for dragging us out of the house on Sunday. 

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