Sunday, May 12, 2013

Another Montpelier Road Trip:Mother's Day

We celebrated Mother's Day a day early with a trip to Montpelier to meet with with Grandma and a few other family members.  We decided to leave a bit early and wander around Montpelier (that and both of my parents tend to run on the early side). So off to Montpelier we went.
Since it was raining when we first arrived, we slipped into Bear Pond Books and I learned something interesting about my husband who is an avid reader.  This particular bookstore is in an old building, creaking wooden floors, the rolling ladders that run along the bookshelves and an old door with a bell on it.  In my mind, the classic old bookstore.  My husband, avid reader, son of a librarian, did not like it because of the creaking floors.  Really! who would have thought. (Every little twitch or shifting of weight, and the floors creaked like an old haunted mansion! Can't focus on books with all that noise!) 
Upon leaving the bookstore with the creaking floors, we headed over to Onion River Sports for my Mother's Day gift; a new day pack for hiking.  My old pack is at least 15 years old(possibly older) and the fabric is wearing so thin that I can no longer ignore the holes. Once again, your classic small town outdoor store, but this one did not appear to bother Andy all that much.(No creaky floors - just a tiny old store jam-packed with awesome hi-tech outdoor gear! And, did I mention? No creaky floors!) Of course on Mother's Day we went for a hike to test it out. 
While we were paying for my new pack, the rest of the family called to let us know they had arrived at the Mad Taco. Not your typical Mother's Day lunch, but it is what my mother chose for lunch. (It is good though and many of the ingredients used are fresh and from local farmers.) I am pretty sure my uncle thought my mom was crazy for choosing this as her Mother's Day lunch, and I am not 100% sure he has ever eaten real Mexican food before - judging by the look on his face as he looked at the menu. It was good though and my uncle survived the slightly spicy blackened fish taco.
Once our bellies were full we went for a walk down to the Capital building to enjoy the flowers and climb on the cannons.  Some day we may actually go when it is open to the public and go inside.  It was a nice way to end our time with family and walk off some of those calories.  On to the next adventure!

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