Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Winter Farmer's Market: Try It, You'll Like It

This week, Andy learned an important lesson; sometimes the things you don't like in one form taste great made another way.  Hmmmmm, maybe there is still hope for the brussel sprouts?  Anyway, we did our typical trip to the Samosa Man and then sat down to eat, while listening to the band of the week (the upright bass player was amazing, she was playing the kazoo and the bass at the same time).  While we were sitting there, Little Man kept asking for the drink I had last time.  The response of course was, if we have money left over at the end we will go and get a drink for you.  The last time we went one of the syrup vendors was selling hot cider with ginger; it was really good.  This week in place of the ginger syrup they had elderberry ginger syrup.  Andy of course turned up his nose at this and while I was buying our baked goods snuck a sip of mine.  By the time I joined back up with the boys, Andy immediately told me that I needed to go buy some of the syrup and later in the day picked up cider at the grocery store.  Sometimes my taste buds are better than his, he is just not willing to admit it yet.

(Sorry for the delay we were having some picture issues with the blog)

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