Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Run

At 17 degrees outside, I managed to rouse my running partner out of bed, trek into Burlington and run a 5K. While I will admit, last night as we sat sipping wine and telling stories, there was a part of me that thought for sure we would both bail, I am glad we did not for a variety of reasons.  First of all, just spending the first day of the year with other runners who are out having a great time is an amazing thing.  Secondly, even with an injury I managed to finish, with a time I was happy with.  Then of course there is the big one; I actually won a prize in the raffle this year (two lift tickets to one of the local ski areas)!.  Top all that off with a dip in the hot tub at my friend's house and it makes for a wonderful day. 
As for my running goal for 2012:  I did not manage to run a race all 12 months out of the year; I only managed to race 9 out of 12 months.  However, in 90% of the races I did run, my times were faster, I ran more races and one of the races I would have never thought I could possibly run had you asked me a year ago (Race to the Top of Vermont). So, no I did not meet my actual goal, but I exceeded so many other running goals for the year.  Here's to 2013!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on another good run! Inspiring efforts for us all. Maybe someday, even I, never mind - but you keep going in 2013!
