Saturday, January 19, 2013

Farmers Market: Who is Really Running the Show

I realized today the farmers market is really not about me and my culinary adventures; it is about the little monkey that has made friends with all the vendors.  Our two rules are that we: 1. try something new and 2. design dinner around our purchases.  Tonight, Icelandic lamb, Italian herb bread from slow fire bakery and ice cream with granola on top.  All new items and fulfilled our rules.  Once we have fulfilled the rules, we are then left to spend the remaining money freely.  I realized today that this part is not based upon mine and Andy's desires, but Little Man's.  How did I come to this conclusion?..... the Samosa Man, Nut Butter Lady and Elderberry Ginger Hot Cider Lady all know who he is and what he wants.  Some of them even call him by name.  So there you have it, culinary explorations dictated by the little monkey.  Thankfully he has good taste. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful purchases! I'll bet dinner was great! Of course, for me, lamb is perfect with just about anything. And, of course, Levi runs the show as usual. :-)
