Saturday, December 1, 2012

Winter Farmers Market: Week 3: When The Samosa Man Knows Your Name

 From the minute hockey practice ends, through the trek across the auditorium, Little Man is on a mission.  His mission: to find the Samosa Man. Now, you might ask, just who is this Samosa Man?  He is a gentleman who came to Vermont as a refugee from Africa and with him he brought this fried pastry stuffed with meat, fruit or vegetables. Little Man loves them and the Samosa Man can spot him coming from across the gym.   I have tried to deter him a few times with offers of pastries, soft pretzels or maple cotton candy, but Little Man has his mind made up, he is going for the samosas.  He is a man on a mission.
 Once Little Man has filled his tummy with fried goodness, the family is free to roam the farmers market and purchase items for the coming week.  One of our missions is to eat foods we do not regularly include in our diet.  It is not that most of these foods are bad, it is just they are not typically available at the grocery store and when they are, it is for a limited time.  This week the item of choice is celeriac; a root in the celery family.  While it does not look very appetizing (Andy calls it a vegetable brain), this thing is amazingly good if cooked the right way.  Often it is cooked like potato pancakes or hash browns, or at least that is what we have done, and the results are amazing.  It is worth the roam around the farmer market to find.

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