Friday, December 7, 2012

Small Local Businesses

This year, there has been a small movement on Facebook and in the area we live in to support small local businesses this Christmas.  We decided as a family that we were going to attempt to make a conscious effort to buy as many of our Christmas gifts from small local businesses as we could. To be honest, I was not sure we would be able to pull it off.  As of right now, most of our shopping has been completed and ALL of it has been purchased from small local businesses.  In addition to that, most of the items we have purchased were also made locally.  While I did not think we would be able to do it, I have to say I am grateful for all of those people who posted things on facebook and blogs, so thank you if you were one of those people.  So what did I think of the whole process?
For starters, I have to admit it was slightly harder than shopping in the past.  You have to actually think about where you are going to go, what you are going to buy and how much you are going to spend.  You can not just go to the nearest box store, buy all of your gifts and be done.  It is a process, you have to consider what is near you for local businesses and if they actually have items you would purchase for those on your Christmas list.  Since locally made products tend to be more expensive, you actually put some thought into what people would like or need, you don't buy one item for everyone and you certainly don't subscribe to the "buy several gifts and one is bound to be the right thing" methodology.  In the end, there is a lot more time and effort put into your gift giving. 
While it is harder, the final product is so worth it.  You feel good about supporting local businesses and you know each gift was specifically picked out for the individual it is being given to.  I would certainly recommend this method of gift giving and can't wait until we actually give out the gifts we have waiting for people.  Of course I need to package all of them first.    

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