Monday, June 20, 2011

kinderGARDEN- Strawberries

Due to a significant amount of rain this spring, our vegetables are not growing as fast as the impatient mom in the family would like. So, I packed up one excited little man and one reluctant bigger boy and took the family strawberry picking at a local farm. We picked almost 13 pounds of strawberries (we froze some for later) and spent the rest of the week enjoying fresh strawberries. We even had a few fun-shaped ones.


  1. haha, love the funny shaped one! we didn't make it to the strawberry patch this year...miss the fresh local berries!!

  2. Wow, that's quite the strawberry! I miss having a u-pick strawberry patch nearby.

  3. And the flowers I posted about are called Wild Anemones. ;)
