Sunday, June 12, 2011


When we first moved into our housem, I loved all the little critters that hung out in our yard: the bunnies, the groundhog, the deer on the other side of the that I have a garden, I am quickly contemplating taking up hunting as a new hobby.

Last year the deer terrorized my hostas in the front yard (which made me dislike them greatly), but they stayed out of the back yard. This year, Little Man and I walked out to the garden and found this:

My beautiful Kale!

Little Man and Daddy immediately jumped on the task of fixing the deer problem - putting up a temporary fence until construction could begin on a castle wall (complete with a moat and boiling oil to pour on intruders)!


  1. We have 7 foot fence around ours...with electric fencing on top and bottom. We don't have deer but a heard of 60+ elk which can do more damage than imaginable!

    I totally and completely understand your frustration...good luck on the moat!!! Kim

  2. Little Man and Daddy to the rescue. What nerve of those deer. I cannot imagine dealing with them. Kim, herd of elk? I used to want to live in the country, but now you're making my boring suburban garden existance seem safer :)

  3. OH, does that look familiar. A castle wall and moat - with hungry alligators - sounds PERFECT!

    Last year, I don't think deer got mentioned much at all in the kindergarden posts, but they sure are being obnoxious this year!

    Hope the fence does the trick!

  4. Love the idea of the moat and boiling oil! It's amazing how long plants take to grow and how quickly deer and bunnies can demolish it. Nice of Little Man and Daddy to come to the rescue!
