Sunday, June 26, 2011

kinderGARDEN-Daddy's Little Helper

Our driveway is in need of some upgrades, basically we need to make it look a little less like a great spot to park. People stop and talk on their cell phones in our driveway all the time, the police pull people over, people turn around; you get the idea. The thing that gets me is that I could be out front weeding, or one of us could be patiently waiting to get into our own driveway and people don't really seem to notice or get the awkwardness of it all.

This past week, Little Man and Daddy set out to fix the problem. We are making flower beds on the side of the driveway (to make the driveway visually smaller).

Daddy missed the fact that the hosta he bought is a shade-loving plant, so we'll see how long this one makes it. (Hey! - I just dig the holes around here!-Daddy)

Mommy this thing is heavy snap the picture already!

Need to water everything, thank goodness for rain barrels.


  1. yes thank goodness for rain buckets and LITTLE HELPING HANDS!

  2. hope your trick works!

    daddy's hosta might be just fine - we have a few in the sun and they manage. they occasionally get scorched around the edges and the color gets a little bleached, but they're tough little plants!

  3. We live at the end of a dead end road, people come here all the time wanting to get to the next road over...what part of 'dead end' don't you all understand??? I feel your pain, lol!

    I hope it does the trick for the little helper! Kim
