Wednesday, June 29, 2011

No Rain--Let's go!

This past week we had a few sunny days before the rain started again, so we headed for the great outdoors.

I really wish they made Thomas Hiking backpacks. Oh, well it is short hike.

Every hiking picture ever taken of Mommy looks like this one.

The bigger the rock, the bigger the splash!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

kinderGARDEN-Daddy's Little Helper

Our driveway is in need of some upgrades, basically we need to make it look a little less like a great spot to park. People stop and talk on their cell phones in our driveway all the time, the police pull people over, people turn around; you get the idea. The thing that gets me is that I could be out front weeding, or one of us could be patiently waiting to get into our own driveway and people don't really seem to notice or get the awkwardness of it all.

This past week, Little Man and Daddy set out to fix the problem. We are making flower beds on the side of the driveway (to make the driveway visually smaller).

Daddy missed the fact that the hosta he bought is a shade-loving plant, so we'll see how long this one makes it. (Hey! - I just dig the holes around here!-Daddy)

Mommy this thing is heavy snap the picture already!

Need to water everything, thank goodness for rain barrels.

Monday, June 20, 2011

kinderGARDEN- Strawberries

Due to a significant amount of rain this spring, our vegetables are not growing as fast as the impatient mom in the family would like. So, I packed up one excited little man and one reluctant bigger boy and took the family strawberry picking at a local farm. We picked almost 13 pounds of strawberries (we froze some for later) and spent the rest of the week enjoying fresh strawberries. We even had a few fun-shaped ones.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


When we first moved into our housem, I loved all the little critters that hung out in our yard: the bunnies, the groundhog, the deer on the other side of the that I have a garden, I am quickly contemplating taking up hunting as a new hobby.

Last year the deer terrorized my hostas in the front yard (which made me dislike them greatly), but they stayed out of the back yard. This year, Little Man and I walked out to the garden and found this:

My beautiful Kale!

Little Man and Daddy immediately jumped on the task of fixing the deer problem - putting up a temporary fence until construction could begin on a castle wall (complete with a moat and boiling oil to pour on intruders)!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

kinderGARDEN-Plants are in

Memorial Day weekend marks the date that all Northeastern gardeners plant the vegetables that can't take the cold. I say this and yet, one of my coworkers proudly announced that the mountain that our house is on the side of had snow on top of it this afternoon. Oh, well........ if we have frost or snow in the morning at least we had fun trying.

"Mommy, there is a hole in this corner that we need to fill in."

This is what happens when toddlers plant the carrots (I am going to sneak out in the middle of the night some day and thin them out, but right now he is very proud of them), he thinks that he is doing better than mommy because he has more carrots.

We have visited the garden every morning rain or shine on our way out the door to see what is going on.