Friday, January 21, 2011

Clean Week 1: Adjustments needed

For starters, this really stinks - or did, until I made some minor adjustments. On the bright side, I have lost 9 pounds since Christmas, so it is a worthwhile pain--kind of.

Starting out the week, I had a plan and was going to follow it by the book. By the end of the week, I was ready to bail and head for the first fast food joint I could find. So, what went wrong you ask?

For starters, I hated cold soup going into this, and the soups they had on this plan made the ones that I have had in the past look like the best food I have ever eaten. I spent my evenings trying to choke down some of the soup and then tossing the rest into the compost. No wonder I have lost so much weight.

Secondly - and this might be too much information (so feel free to skip to the next paragraph) -the man who wrote the book was adamant that you have a bowel movement every day, and if help is needed go for it. Given my previous history with constipation, I was bound to have a day that would go all wrong and I was freaking out thinking I was going to die. I even invested in castor oil to help things along, however, upon reading the terms "explosive" and "extreme cramping" on the back of the bottle, I decided that there had to be a better way. My alternative: eat a bag of prunes. I would not recommend this option to anyone, ever!

Following the prune incident, and a day in which I was ready to bail on the whole Clean diet, I decided some adjustments needed to be made. I gladly went back to the Elimination stage and life is much better. I am still not eating the forbidden foods for the next two weeks, but at least I am feeling a little bit more in control again. I think the lamb we cooked last night also helped a bit as well :)

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