Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beautiful Food

I realized that I have been slacking on the blogging, but it is winter. It's cold. I am in hibernation. Although, there is some wonderful looking local meat in the fridge that I am really hoping my husband waits to cook until after I finish my Clean Program (basically a 3 week cleanse, a little more detailed than that, but that is the best way to describe it, if you really want to know, click on the link). Today he brought home this wonderful looking Vermont Sausage, and he and little man proceeded to eat it for dinner in front of me; can you tell I am a little bitter?
Anyway.....I am posting some pictures of my beautiful food. I have realized life is so much better when your food looks good! And since the farm we do our CSA though does not stick to your run of the mill vegetable varieties, the food always looks cool at the dinner table. Sorry for the quality, I am working on my food picture taking skills.

Acorn squash stuffed with wild rice and cranberries (there were supposed to be hazelnuts also, but Andy does not like them). Also, I would like to bring attention to my beautiful new teapot in the background - provided by my hubby; he may annoy me by eating forbidden food in front of me, but at times he truly gets it right.

Potatoes from our CSA. I really wish I could remember the type, but we get them every time we go and they are beautiful and taste great. I should also mention that there was one vegetable that we got that it took me so long to figure out what it was and how to prepare it that it went bad. I really should bring a notebook with me when I pick up veggies, but I am trying not to look like the amateur, so I quickly run home and write down anything new. Sometimes I forget and spend the next week searching for said item on the Internet.
I know I have posted these before, but I really love my carrots. They have a sweeter flavor then the ones you buy at the grocery store. Once again, I can't remember the type.

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