Monday, November 1, 2010


We have had a wonderful---well, almost wonderful week--- of exploring all the different recipes there are for our different winter vegetables. Since it has been a cold week, many of the different recipes have been winter soups and the house has smelled great most of the week. And most of our meals have looked wonderful.

I have learned plenty this week and am quickly learning that I am missing or missed a few things. For starters, there is an herb garden at the farm we get our share from. Since I was unsure what I needed for herbs, I clipped some rosemary and went on my happy way. I planned out the meals for the week during nap time after I had picked up the share and was able to see what I had. The problem with this was, several of those great herbs hanging out back at the farm I needed and ended up purchasing from the store. Oh well.... live and learn.

The other thing I learned is that my husband does not like squash. This is a problem since I love it and we had 2 delicata, 1 winter and 1 acorn squash. Of course I was going to use them. I was frowned at severely during these meals and Little Man picked up on his father's "I don't like it" mantra, which almost resulted in both of them being banished from the dinner table to leave me in peace to enjoy my squash. I did relent halfway through the week and let Andy make a beef stew. Meat makes him happy.......

As a total side note, our girls' cross-country team won states and is moving on to New Englands in two weeks!

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