Wednesday, November 17, 2010

To Do or Not To Do

I have a confession, there are times I have to admit I don't always do the environmentally friendly/healthy thing. This week happened to be the tipping point on two things.
You see, little man is at the very edge of the weight limit for his cloth diaper covers and after them coming undone in the community and at daycare and completely soaking himself, I caved. I debated going and buying the next size up, however, I couldn't rationalize the cost. You see little man is in the midst of potty training. He uses the potty at daycare almost every morning now and runs around the house in underwear at night. And although we are not without accidents, and I am an not quite willing to take the plunge into taking him out in underwear, he is starting to get it and we are using diapers a lot less than a month ago. So I caved and he wears disposables when we are out in public and to nap in now. Basically any time he is sleeping or going to be riding in my car (I am not quite ready to pull over on the side of the road so little man can pee).

The other thing I caved on was butter. You see, a few months ago we switched over to an all natural - no chemicals added butter. Andy in fact still uses it and enjoys it very much. However, I am on a diet and quite frankly I like butter on things. So when I realized that the real stuff is 55 more calories then the unnatural yogurt kind, I broke down and bought the yogurt stuff this weekend.

On the less confessional side of things, our girls' cross-country team won New Englands this past weekend and are heading to the pre-qualifier for Nike Nationals in a week and a half.

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