Friday, April 9, 2010

Not that bad.......

I have to admit I looked at this week with fear and some expecations that I wasn't able to live up to. For those of you who have not been following this, it was my first week washing my own diapers. For starters, I should admit it was not as bad as I thought it would be. Secondly, due to the rain, I did not live up to my own expecations.
What did I learn you ask? Well for starters, trying to dump a weeks worth of smelly diapers into the washing machine at one time was not a good idea for two reasons: 1. They all go rushing into the wash at one time and you end up picking diapers up off the ground. 2. Dirty diapers weigh a lot and a week's worth may be a little too heavy for my little washing machine. I ended up doing a midweek load to cut down on the weekend load the second time around. I also learned that feeding little man a lot of tomatoes is not a good idea. They don't rinse out of the washing machine well and in the end you have a few little red tomato (very clean) skins floating around in the washer.
The rain was a bit of a bummer because I really wanted to go all out on the being eco-friendly thing and not use the dryer. The first night the sky was gray and rain was in the air and weather forecast. Of couse, the second I put the diapers in the dryer, the sun came out. The second night this week I washed diapers, it was so windy I was afraid little man was going to blow away walking from the garage to the house and figured I really did not want to chase cloth diapers around the neighborhood all night. In all it wasn't too bad, although I am praying for a sunny day the next time I have to wash diapers.

1 comment:

  1. I told you it wasn't bad to wash your own! :) It's just an extra load or two a week... granted I haven't had the tomato skin issue....
