Monday, April 12, 2010

That Was Fun!

The adventures of raw milk, here we come! We currently have a gallon of raw milk in the refrigerator. Well not totally, I just took some out to make yogurt. 10 minutes of effort, let sit and enjoy tomorrow, I can't wait.

I got little man excited about the adventure by telling him we were going to his friend's house to see cows. Which was true and actually I think next week we will plan on making the trip a bit of a playdate. When we first got there, I talked with my friend whose cows they are while her daughters led little man all over the place. Playing with the dog, petting the new baby calves, chasing the chickens around the yard, everyone loading into the car and driving up to the milking parlor to see the cows being milked. He had a blast and the girls wanted us to stay longer.

We finally left with a jar of very fresh milk.

After little man went to bed, I used some of the milk to make yogurt, and am letting it sit in the fridge overnight to separate; so I can skim the cream off the top tomorrow for butter. Did I mention my mother in-law is going to let me use the family heirloom butter churn? Very excited about that one! After making butter, I am going to pasteurize the rest for drinking. I was going to make farmers cheese as well, but we don't have any white vinegar, so that will have to wait for next week. Can't wait!

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