Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Orange Mold?

Apparently my skills at starting seeds need a little fine tuning. Not that this surprises me at all, I tend to kill indoor plants. I either over water them or forget about them all together. Either way they are goners.

With this said, I have never in my life seen bright orange mold on any of my plants before now. To be honest, I was a bit worried that the infestation of lady bugs in the house had been laying eggs in my plants. Little man and I had transplanted a lady bug in one of the marigold containers as a way of attempting to get over his insane fear of the relatively harmless bugs all over the house.

My wonderful research driven husband immediately pulled up the orange mold on the Internet, determined that it was caused by over watering, and scraped it off the plants that it had formed on and instructed me not to water my plants for the next week. Actually, I believe he threatened bodily harm if I went anywhere near the plants over the next week. And you know what? The mold went away!

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