Sunday, February 28, 2016

No Social Media

      I have to admit, I am one that has a hard time giving up social media.  I spend way too much time checking, and re-checking it.  I decided that for at least one day this year, I would disconnect and ignore it.  Well almost.  My running group posts morning runs the night before, and people sometimes cancel out the next morning.  I am not running alone in the dark.  Due to this one little factor, I did give myself permission to check Instant Messenger once in the morning and once at night.  Quickly and only to check on the morning run status.  Otherwise it was a social media free day. 
I managed to make it though the day.  I actually was way more productive, and I was way more tuned into what was going on around me.  I was also way less annoyed with people due to the lack of political posts I viewed that day. It was really nice, and I realized I need to disconnect more often.  I am going to miss way more looking at social media.  Not sure I could give it up for a long period of time though. 

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