Friday, February 26, 2016

Blood Orange

I typically put "try a new food" on my yearly bucket list.  However, this year I realized that there is not much we have not eaten-at least that you can find in this area.  Little Man and I spent 30 minutes in the produce section trying to find something we had not eaten.  I guess that is a good thing.

The bottom food is an endive.  It was not labeled, and I did not think I had eaten it before.  However, when I ran into a friend on the way out the door and she pointed out that I had endives, I realized it was not a new food to me.  Darn it!

The top fruit is a blood orange.  I actually have never eaten them before, and honestly did not know what to look for.  Some of them that were really red, I decided we going bad.  I was wrong, those were the ripe ones.  My loving husband lovingly pointed out later that some get really red in the center.  Oh well, I tried.  It was not bad.  It tasted somewhat like a sweet grapefruit. I would eat it again. 

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