Sunday, February 28, 2016

No Social Media

      I have to admit, I am one that has a hard time giving up social media.  I spend way too much time checking, and re-checking it.  I decided that for at least one day this year, I would disconnect and ignore it.  Well almost.  My running group posts morning runs the night before, and people sometimes cancel out the next morning.  I am not running alone in the dark.  Due to this one little factor, I did give myself permission to check Instant Messenger once in the morning and once at night.  Quickly and only to check on the morning run status.  Otherwise it was a social media free day. 
I managed to make it though the day.  I actually was way more productive, and I was way more tuned into what was going on around me.  I was also way less annoyed with people due to the lack of political posts I viewed that day. It was really nice, and I realized I need to disconnect more often.  I am going to miss way more looking at social media.  Not sure I could give it up for a long period of time though. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Poor Rooster

My big beautiful rooster is molting.  I feel bad for the poor thing.  He looks so sad, and slightly annoyed that I am taking his picture. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Blood Orange

I typically put "try a new food" on my yearly bucket list.  However, this year I realized that there is not much we have not eaten-at least that you can find in this area.  Little Man and I spent 30 minutes in the produce section trying to find something we had not eaten.  I guess that is a good thing.

The bottom food is an endive.  It was not labeled, and I did not think I had eaten it before.  However, when I ran into a friend on the way out the door and she pointed out that I had endives, I realized it was not a new food to me.  Darn it!

The top fruit is a blood orange.  I actually have never eaten them before, and honestly did not know what to look for.  Some of them that were really red, I decided we going bad.  I was wrong, those were the ripe ones.  My loving husband lovingly pointed out later that some get really red in the center.  Oh well, I tried.  It was not bad.  It tasted somewhat like a sweet grapefruit. I would eat it again. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Winter That Never Was

Spring is always the break in which I flee the state.  It is muddy, the weather is unpredictable, and it does not know if it wants to be winter or spring.  Winter break is always the one I want to be home playing in the snow.  I may have to rethink that.

 We did get one colder day on the mountain.  The rest just rain and mud.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pond Skating

There is nothing like a frozen pond on a cold winters day.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Mortar and Pestal

For a long time I have wanted a mortar and pestal set. I don't need them a whole lot, but when I have needed them, I have really needed them.  

Monday, February 15, 2016


I have been very blessed to be part of an extraordinary family.  My aunt often told my grandfather that he had no idea how lucky he was and our family was uniquely close.  There has never been any doubt in my mind that I or my child have been extremely well loved, and not matter what happens in life would always have family there to take of us.  

This past week one of those amazing people passes away.  My Uncle had been battling Parkinson's for a few years, and finally the fight was over.  He was one of the most amazing people I know, and will forever hold a dear place in my heart.