Friday, June 26, 2015

Ascutney Mountain Challenge

A week and a half ago I finished my fourth race in the mountain running series.  Ascutney Mountain Challenge is a 3.7 mile ran with an average of a 12% grade to the top of the mountain.  Believe it or not, it is actually one of the easier races in the series.  That does not mean it hurts any less......
 The boys came along for the ride and were able to drive to the top to wait for me and another friend to make it to the parking lot.  While we were running to the top Andy and two boys hiked the .7 miles from the parking-lot to the summit.  They would do this a second time with the dad who ran up with me when the race was over.
 Another race down and the view from the top was once again amazing!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading about the family adventures and seeing the great pictures. Thanks for sharing! Keep blogging!
