Friday, June 26, 2015

Ascutney Mountain Challenge

A week and a half ago I finished my fourth race in the mountain running series.  Ascutney Mountain Challenge is a 3.7 mile ran with an average of a 12% grade to the top of the mountain.  Believe it or not, it is actually one of the easier races in the series.  That does not mean it hurts any less......
 The boys came along for the ride and were able to drive to the top to wait for me and another friend to make it to the parking lot.  While we were running to the top Andy and two boys hiked the .7 miles from the parking-lot to the summit.  They would do this a second time with the dad who ran up with me when the race was over.
 Another race down and the view from the top was once again amazing!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Snowfarm Vineyard

First official day of summer vacation was a week ago.  And how does one spend the first day of summer you might ask? By attending an evening concert in a vineyard.  
While the vines have not yet matured; it was still beautiful.  The lake just 200 yards from the vineyard.  The weather was perfect, and the music not bad. Little Man even got up and danced with me. 
It was the prefect way to begin summer.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Feed My Starving Children

This months act of service: mini-golf fundraiser for Feed My Starving Children. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Sustainable Life

Summer has started and I am already a little behind in my blogging.  When I was thinking about what sustainable act we were going to do this month; I realized the reason for the business this month was because we are already doing a lot.  

For starters, our duck population has exploded! Honestly, I have no idea how many ducks we have at the moment.  We had 4 ducks going into winter.  Those ducks had ducklings that we brought into the house or sold because it was so cold outside.  The ones we kept have since been moved to the chicken coop, because at the time we did not have any chickens.  Then more ducks hatched and were living in the house.  They have since been moved to the garage with the chickens who are waiting for their coop to be evacuated. Andy has been furiously expanding the duck coop, and then more ducks hatched this weekend.  We left those ones with mama duck and have lost two.  We almost lost a few more today when they got stuck in the pool and could not get back out, but they were brought into the house warmed up and returned to mama duck.  
Next we have the gardens.  Andy is taking over the main garden this year--he thinks he will do better then me, while I have planted things in pots and in my perennial garden.  The perennial garden was in need of a lot of mulch, and the berry bushes needed to be pruned.  

Lastly, I have spent the past few days cutting up strawberries.  It is strawberry season and Little Man helped me pick enough strawberries for strawberry wine (more on that later), miniature strawberry rhubarb pies - to be frozen for winter and to eat right now.  The chickens and bunnies have benefited greatly from this venture.
So sustainable.  Got that down this month and may just be in need of a long nap.  

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pack Monadnock 10 miler

One more race down, three to go!
 (Not sure why picture is sideways, something with blogger.)