Saturday, June 14, 2014

Task 11: Try a New Restaurant

I had a wonderful evening of actually trying two new places the other night and checked off my eleventh task with bliss. 
The first location I have to admit was not really a restaurant; in fact no food is served there, just wine.  I was meeting some of my runner friends there to make plans for a race we are all doing in August.  Oak 45 is a wine bar close to where Andy and I used to live.  When we lived there it was an empty building with nothing inside.  Since that time they have turned it into a wonderful wine bar with great wine.  We had such a great time that when our two hours were up in the parking garage, we all scrambled to move our cars to other parking locations and moved on to our second destination on the other side of the traffic circle.
The second destination is one of the restaurants that caused me to put "try a new restaurant" on my list of 35 tasks for 2014. Misery Loves Co. is this great restaurant where they think outside the box with their cooking.  Or at least outside the mainstream. To this point, we have not gone because we knew that it would be someplace that would end up costing a lot.  Plates come when they are ready and people share what they have because whatever you are eating is probably something the other people at the table have never eaten before.  While I ordered the "Smoked Potato Ravioli- green garlic, sea urchin bottarga, shrimp broth", I tried a little bit of everything.  It was wonderful and a perfect place for a group of friends.  I now understand the draw to sea urchin, or at least the aged stuff that I had.  It tastes a lot like bacon, which completely caught me off guard.  It was great! So check another successful item of my list for 2014. 

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