Sunday, June 15, 2014

Local Wine

We live in an area in which many local wineries are popping up all over the place.  Apparently everyone has figured out that there are some grapes that grow well in our colder climate and that ice wine is a wonderful thing, and everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon.  In fact, as I type, I can hear the gurgling sounds of my own wine happily fermenting in the next room.  Because of this it should come as no surprise that we know a few people that own vineyards in our area.  Here are a few things I have learned about Vineyards over the past few years. 
1. I have yet to travel to an ugly Vineyard.  The ones I have been to both in Vermont and Virginia are always beautiful and slightly on the dreamy nostalgic side. 
2. The ones in our area tend to host a variety of events to get people to come and visit these dreamy places, as if that were not enough.  On these wonderful occasions there tends to be great wine, good food, and wonderful company. 

3. The next one may be something unique to Vermont, but they tend to be surprisingly kid friendly in this area.  The one we went to this week has a great rock wall for boys to run and jump on (it is encouraged by the owners who are grandparents). In addition to this, they had hula hoops and soccer balls out for the kids to play with in the field, while the parents sat and enjoyed dinner and good conversations.  It was wonderful, although when traveling outside of Vermont, I would make sure the vineyards are kid friendly before taking your child.  The ones we have traveled to outside over Vermont have been more on the romantic/refined kid-less side. 

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