Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Task 8: New Food

Since variety is the spice of life, I decided that I would add "try new food" to my list.  I made a list of foods I would like to try, and where to find them, and found that I had a very large list. We are just going to have to try several new foods this year.  To kick off my food curiosities, I decided we would try quail eggs.  Little bite size snacks. 
For starters, I have to admit I was a bit worried about this one.  We have ducks and chickens, both of which we eat the eggs.  Despite what people might say, other then the yolk being darker in duck eggs, there really is not a huge difference between the two.  These however, were a slightly different story.  We hard boiled half of them (we are going to do something different with the remaining 6) and I have to admit, this time there really was more flavor in these snack sized eggs.  I was also worried that the shells would be hard to peel off and found it to be a fairly quick process.  So will I eat them again? Absolutely!

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