Friday, January 24, 2014

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder if trying to save money at the expense of time is worth it.  Let me explain.  I get my hair cut and highlighted at a cosmetology school.  It is significantly cheaper than going to a salon, and let's face it; they are being graded on your hair, they are not going to mess up.  In fact, I would say I have had less hair disasters at the school than I have at an actual salon.  The cost of this; it takes significantly longer to get my hair done.  A simple cut can turn into a lesson plan, or teachable moment.  Don't get me wrong, I love teachable moments (I am a teacher), but every time I get my hair cut! It is a bit much.  However, $10 for a good hair cut vs. $30+  for a hair cut is a big difference.  Some days it might be worth it. 

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