Monday, January 6, 2014

Confessions of a Food Addict

Let me be the first to admit that I am a serious food addict. I love to eat! The problem is that I tend to be an all or nothing type of person.  I either have to completely deny myself of cookies, or I will eat the whole darn batch of cookies straight out of the oven.  This past year, I went all of cross-country season (mid-August to mid-November) without eating any sweets.  I lost weight, felt great and the second cross-country season was over I came down with a vengeance.  That brings us to January; I am doing a reset diet with some friends that starts out with a 7 day detox (no wheat, dairy, meat, refined sugars or processed food).  The first day was horrible, I was craving salty crunchy food all day.  About halfway through the day, I wandered into a health food store searching for something to satisfy the craving.  I found the chips below (green peas and salt).  They were horrible, yet I kept eating them throughout the day.  I finally had to march over to the trash can and throw them out so there was no way I could possibly eat another one.  I am like an addict coming down off a high and not dealing without my food vices.  I just need to make it to Saturday and then I can gradually start adding things back in. My poor husband. 

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