Sunday, September 29, 2013


I am pretty sure my family has set out to undermine my weight loss plan.  I have been doing pretty good on the "no sweets" thing.  My cross-country team knows, my co-workers know and while there has been every opportunity to binge on sweets, I have resisted.  We have been eating healthier and it has paid off.  I only have 3.5 pounds left to lose to work towards my Halloween goal (a little more towards my ultimate goal).  As you can see, I have been doing great. The boys, however, have set out to test my will at every turn (nope. We love Mommy and we love sweets. Just being ourselves!).  Today for example, we had a lovely afternoon of apple picking.  Perfect weather, wonderful crisp red apples.  Then............

The boys stop at the doughnut cart on the way out.  Two dozen mini-doughnuts (maple and cinnamon) (Okay, when I placed my order for two dozen and the doughnut guy looked a little scared, I realized that two dozen might have been a little piggy...but they're soooo good!).  I had to sit there sipping my cider, pretending not to notice the two monkeys scarfing down fresh doughnuts.(Fresh, hot, just rolled in sugar and dipped into maple glaze...yummy!)  I resisted, but I have to admit six more weeks of this seems like a really long time.  I might just have to stay away from the boys for the next six weeks.  
On a running note, I am not going to make my running goals for now.  I am currently starting my second week of a three week break.  I hit the point where I could no longer run through my injury and decided to cross-train for a few weeks.  It really stinks.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

End of Summer

End of summer colors in my garden.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thank Goodness For Family

This year our garden has been less then stellar.  It flooded at least twice, seeds were washed away, nutrients along with it.  Blight and some really funky mold hit.  The deer spent the first part of the summer eating it. In the end I pretty much just gave up.  Thankfully my dad still takes care of me and brought a surplus of vegetables from his garden over this weekend.  We now have beets, corn, potatoes, summer squash, beans, butternut squash and a ton of cucumbers.  Thank goodness for fathers who can actually garden. Now if I could just get some of that to rub off on me. 

Monday, September 2, 2013


I realized yesterday, as I was contemplating breaking my sugar fast (because no one around me would know), that there is a desperate need for accountability.  While I did not eat the pumpkin spice cake, there was a moment where I told myself no one would know and it worried me.  So here goes.
In regards to eating habits. I am one week at a time changing little habits that have been adding up.  So far, I am fasting from sweets during cross-country season, eating on a smaller plate and not going back for seconds.  So far I have lost 6lbs in 3 weeks. This Thursday I am cutting down the amount of sugar that I put in my coffee.  Let me know if you see any other bad habits that I should cut out as I go. (Ooh!Ooh! Do I get to vote? I see all the bad habits!-AC) 
In my running life, I am trying to keep my mileage up through the fall and winter.  To do this I am doing a Virtual Race Series where I have to run 10 miles (in one stretch) within the first 5 days of the month.  Today was my first entry, I ran 10 miles along the lake with my cross-country team this morning.  I'll post my run sometime during the first 5 days, so look for my monthly run. 
Wish me luck!