Thursday, February 28, 2013

Seasons In Vermont

I have to admit, while I love traveling, there is no other place I would rather be then in northern New England.  When people ask where we are going during February break each year, I proudly admit, that we are going to enjoy the snow.  We have had a great week hanging out in the snow, despite the warmer temperatures this week and I have been grateful for the time to play and enjoy Vermont and all it has to offer.  With the exception of Spring, this tends to be true of all the seasons in Vermont.  In the Summer, I miss my garden, swimming in the river and hiking when I am gone.  In the Winter, I miss the snow.  In the Fall I miss all the wonderful colors.  Spring, however, I tend to leave northern New England, for other then enjoying maple syrup, there is nothing but mud in this fine state.  So for now, I will enjoy the snow while it lasts and pray for a short mud season.

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