Sunday, February 17, 2013

Farmers Market with Grandma

This weekend we took my mom with us to the Farmers Market. While Little Man was more than trilled to show Grandma all of his favorite stops (two were missing this week, bummer), I was thrilled to have someone along that would do a wine tasting with me while Little Man snacked on his samosa. There are several local wineries in the area, my favorites are the ones that sell iced wine, if you have never tried it, I would highly recommend it.  After we had finished trying some wine, we introduced Grandma to a new vegetable; celeriac. Actually, Andy introduced her to the new vegetable while I debated with Little Man about getting the bag with mixed vegetables or mixed carrots; we got both. Once we had picked up a few things needed for this week's meals, we tried out a new warm ginger drink table, since our typical vendor was not there this week.  Little Man - as always - turned up his nose at the ginger-pear cider and then stole mine, which he drank happily in the back seat all the way home while chatting with Grandma. 

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