Saturday, November 17, 2012

Farmers Market: Take 2

Our second winter farmers market of the season has arrived! While our shopping was limited by the fact that Thanksgiving is this week and we will be dining on turkey and stuffing the second half of the week; we did not let that stop us from the fun of the market.  Actually the knowledge that we were not going to buy as much also meant that we would be purchasing meat at the farmers market.  If you have never bought local/grass-fed meat, it tends to run a bit on the expensive side.
Due to the shorter meal planning week we actually did go in with a slight shopping list this trip.  We knew we needed some kind of meat, honey and broccoli.  Once those items were purchased we were able to explore a little.  Our major discovery for the week; there is a cranberry bog in the fine state of Vermont.  Yep a cranberry bog less than an hour away from our house.  We of course had to try those.  Then, of course, the boys (who have a thing for redheads) managed to find themselves standing in front of a bakery table run by a cute redhead.  Not sure if they were there for the sweets or the redhead, but hey, she makes a wonderful chocolate croissant so I won't complain too much. Yet another great weekend at the farmers market. 

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