Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Of course, just as we finally managed to make a significant difference in our electric bill, something would come along to jack it right back up again.  I have been washing everything in cold water and hanging laundry out on the line as much as I possibly can and it made a an 80kWh (less) difference in our electric bill.  It was wonderful, and then I take Little Man to the allergist......
For those who do not know, Little Man suffers from chronic ear infections.  He has had four sets of tubes and his adenoids removed.  We were ready to try something different, so at the urging of our ENT, we took Little Man to the allergist.  Come to find out he is allergic to dust mites.  I believe the allergist referred to it as "pretty significant" for his age.  Of course that would explain why he is always stuffed up; I had been blaming it on his ears. 
So why you might ask would this have any effect on our electric bill?  Well you see, now I have to wash everything that is cloth in his room in hot water once a week and run it through the dryer.  While it is a small price to pay for Little Man's health, I am slightly annoyed that we have worked so hard to bring down the electric bill, just to watch it creep back up again.  Guess I need another silver bullet.  Any ideas?

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