Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 24: 3 Things

Three things I love about Fall are:
Pumpkins: I love the color, I love to cut them open and I love eating them; this year we are growing our own, but they have not yet turned orange, I am a bit worried. 
 Apples: I love to pick them, eat them and I especially love the smell of them baking in the oven.
Leaves (disclaimer: this picture is from last year, our leaves have not peaked yet): I love how they look, I love the sound of them crunching under my feet as I run through the woods and I love jumping in them. 
That is not all, I love apple cider - hot and cold, I love the crisp cool weather, I love squash, I love the smell of wood stoves burning and just about every other aspect of Fall. 

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