Sunday, August 26, 2012


Before I start, I have to exercise my bragging rights for the day. I did The Race to The Top of Vermont today and not only did I finish the 4.3 miles that averages a 10% grade, I finished in the middle of the pack.  A year ago, I would have finished at the back (not that I would have even started a race like this a year ago).
OK ,now that I have that out of the way, I have determined this weekend that the name of this blog is so incredibly fitting.  We bought our house four years ago and the perennial garden was so overgrown, that had it not been for the the flowers peeking out and the bird house in the middle, you would have never even know it existed.  I spent the first few years making it look like a garden. 
This year my goal was to actually start to play around with the flowers.  First task at hand was thinning them out; separating and replanting them.  This needs to be done in the fall once they have bloomed for most of the flowers.  What I did not realize it that this should be done about every three years.  Lets see four years of me getting rid of the weeds, 5 years of the man who lived here before us letting it become overgrown, that means I am about 6 years behind.  In layman's terns, it took us all day yesterday to did out and separate just the clump of dwarf irises'.  The picture bellow is Little Man standing over 1/4 of the the clump which I was trying desperately to separate.  I will admit, there was a big chunk that did not get separated because I hit my breaking point.   
 In addition to the mass clump, after I finished I found, 10 Tips for Separating Flowers on Pinterest.  I broke about 7 out of 10 of the rules.  So we will see if my poor dwarf iris is there next year or if I need to go out and purchase more bulbs.  There are days I wish my mother in-law (an avid gardener) lived just a bit closer. 

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