Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bitter Sweet

Typically at this time of year, I am ready to hand Little Man over and head back to work.  While I love my son, the first few summers of his life I realized that there were times I needed to be my own person.  This year is different, however.  While I am right back in the grove of things, there is a part of me that is sad that the summer is coming to an end.  For the first time in my life there is a little part of me that wishes I was a stay at home mom, for just one year (next year he will be off to Kindergarten and have the same schedule as me). 
So here is to hiking partner
My little runner
My sense of adventure
My little helper
My leisure time
On another note, too much Daddy time means that things have gotten really strange around the house.  I may need someone to stop in occasionally on Saturday morning during cross-country season to make sure the house is still standing.  So far this week, I have come home to the house rock and rolling, knight vs. dragon games and a very interesting game of volleyball going on in the back yard. 

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