Saturday, March 5, 2011

Eggs, Flowers, and a new Blog

I realized that we have been so busy doing new things that I have neglected to blog. So here goes........
Our family continues to fight the cabin fever battle, and went to the Vermont Flower Show this afternoon. It was great (Unfortunately we brought the wrong camera and the pictures do not do it any justice).

This is the only good flower picture we managed to get.

Little man when we first entered the kids area....

Little man when mommy added flowers to his cool hat.....

The end result!

Chillin in the Hobbit House

One of the best finds at the flower show (that and I found a seed package of my cool purple carrots that we are going to try out this summer.)

Other than the flower show, we have been trying to find recipes that use up a lot of eggs, in addition to our giving them away to every person that comes though the door. While having the light in the coop increases egg production, it means that we get 4 eggs a day. (Cari is the only one who thinks that we have too many eggs: Andy could eat three or four a day, easy!) Some of the recipes have been great: I made some amazing quiche and Andy made wonderful potato-celeriac pancakes. Some recipes have been total flops: I tried to make homemade pudding and my husband has not let me in the kitchen all week because of it.

Mommy's little helper...maybe that's why my pudding did not turn out well.......

My other find this week, was a really fun blog called Stuck in Vermont. Apparently I am not the only one in Vermont fighting cabin fever. While I'll admit the person who does it is a little bit more liberal than myself, it has some pretty good stuff on it.

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