Monday, March 14, 2011

Behind the Food - Goats Galore

I need to change up my blog a bit. So, hang on as we take you on an adventure through our local eating habits, and learn why we think it is important for Little Man to grow up knowing where his food comes from.

To start off with, we occasionally purchase goat meat from one of my co-workers. Even though we can't get it as often as we would like, we love it! We also love going to visit the new baby goats in the spring and, yes, my son does know that this is where our goat meat comes from. (No, not from the baby goats - we do wait for them to grow bigger.....and tastier!) We try to tell Little Man where his food comes from, even if he's captivated by cute animals. ( I actually freaked out one of my family members when I mentioned to Little Man at Thanksgiving that the turkeys on the farm down the road would be gone - like "in somebody's oven" gone - when we got home.)

Part of the reason we teach our toddler about where his food comes from is to try to show him that the healthiest, best-tasting food doesn't come in a wrapper printed 'McTasties' or from a mega-farm halfway around the globe. The food that we hold dearest is usually local, fresh, and respectfully raised. What does that mean? Local means from our own backyard, the farm down the road, even a farm one hundred miles away - not thousands of miles away. Fresh means eggs collected this morning, carrots pulled from the ground just a day ago, or meat straight from the butcher to our freezer- no barcodes or styrofoam trays involved. Respectfully raised means vegetables grown in season without dangerous chemicals, meat animals raised in clean, natural environments, and food produced with an eye towards a sustainable future. There's more to it than just that, but we'll try to work that into later posts. Anyway, back to the goats......
This guy followed Little Man the entire time we were there.

At times he even brought his friends along.

This one was my favorite.

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