Saturday, February 20, 2010

We Survived!

While I know somewhere deep down that I have a few friends who use cloth diapers exclusively, I have never been able to bring myself to use cloth at night. It is the one time during the day Little Man wears a disposable (unless we are traveling and I don't want to carry around dirty cloth diapers in the car all week). Well, not last night. We were out of disposables and pure laziness kept us from traveling back out to get more. We doubled up and off little man went - looking like a sumo wrestler - to bed. He survived, the bed was dry in the morning, and he is now spending his second night in sumo dreamland.

On another note (actually two because it has been a pretty good day), we went to Depot Home and Garden this afternoon to check out the Chick situation. We now need to figure out what kind of chicks we want and how many to place our order for next month.

Also, we went to a wonderful indoor farmers market this afternoon and picked up some great winter vegetables, cheese and wine. Andy thinks I am turning little man into a cheese snob, but that is ok with me.

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