Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What Can I Say? I Am a Bit Impatient!

For those of you who know me well, you already know that outside of work I don't have an ounce of patience. Possibly I use it all up at work, maybe I learned from my mother who insists that we open 1 gift the night before Christmas, or if we are not going to be together for Christmas, celebrate at Thanksgiving. Who knows, all I know is that if I am looking forward to something, there is a good chance I won't wait.

This week is vacation week for myself and little man. To say the least I have been making the most of it; after all of the stuff we're doing this week, poor little man is going to be bored out of his mind next week. We had a few minutes of down time so what did I do?... I dug out the seeds and planting stuff of course - who cares if I am two weeks ahead of schedule - this is going to be fun! It was fun and we made a mess of Daddy's kitchen. And quite frankly, who cares if it's early: I'll just keep the plants inside for two extra weeks.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

We Survived!

While I know somewhere deep down that I have a few friends who use cloth diapers exclusively, I have never been able to bring myself to use cloth at night. It is the one time during the day Little Man wears a disposable (unless we are traveling and I don't want to carry around dirty cloth diapers in the car all week). Well, not last night. We were out of disposables and pure laziness kept us from traveling back out to get more. We doubled up and off little man went - looking like a sumo wrestler - to bed. He survived, the bed was dry in the morning, and he is now spending his second night in sumo dreamland.

On another note (actually two because it has been a pretty good day), we went to Depot Home and Garden this afternoon to check out the Chick situation. We now need to figure out what kind of chicks we want and how many to place our order for next month.

Also, we went to a wonderful indoor farmers market this afternoon and picked up some great winter vegetables, cheese and wine. Andy thinks I am turning little man into a cheese snob, but that is ok with me.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cabin Fever

Apparently jumping into a 36 degree lake on an 18 degree day did not statisfy my cabin fever. During little man's nap time this afternoon, I decided I was going to make my own biodegradable seed starters for the upcoming growing season. Last summer I discoved the idea in a magazine I was flipping though and clipped it out. Today I was bored enough to do it.
Step 1: Make several little plant pots out of newspaper (Sunday is the best day for this since there is a lot of paper to go around).

Step 2: Hijack all of the empty milk containers from the recycling bin (thankfully there are still a few weeks till I start my seedlings).

Step 3: Wait. Spring will be here soon. (I am not very good at this step.)

Thursday, February 4, 2010