Sunday, January 10, 2010

That Took Way Too Long......

When we moved into our house about a year and a half ago, we inherited this fire engine red desk. Not a color I really wanted in my living room. The original plan was that I was going to spend hours sanding and painting it. The truth was Andy spent hours sanding and I painted it. I actually started painting it last winter and finished over Christmas break. The original version did not have the flowers on it. In my mind, the colors I had picked out were perfect and it was going to be so great; and then I finished and put it all back together and wasn't happy with the results. I consulted my Aunt who is a very 'crafty' person and her recommendation was to stencil it. So finally, over break,I did just that and you can see the results above. Now I am blaming little man for causing the smudges when the stencil was taken off (even though he was asleep at the time).

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