Saturday, January 9, 2016

Two Down!

A week into the new year, and I already have two of my tasks completed (no wine passports or any lists of that type this year). Most of this years tasks are strictly, do this, go there, and check it off the list(most of them). I am anticipating less items left undone this year.

My first task of the year: go to Citizens Cider in Burlington, VT. Every year my group of running friends makes a plan to run and then go there for dinner.  Every year something happens and we never make it.  This year we went and made our very ambitious running plan for the year.  The food was good and I was able to try a few of their ciders (I did a flight) that are not normally on tap other places.  It was nice.  

Next, I checked off a new restaurant.  I have been wanting to try Asian Bistro in Williston, VT.  I heard  that it is pretty good.  I even almost convinced Little Man to try frog, but he chickened out at the last minute and went for the Pu Pu Platter lunch special while Andy and I had sushi and mock eel.  It was pretty good. Maybe I'll take Little Man back another time for frog.

1 comment:

  1. Those are my kind of goals! Sounds (and looks) like great food and fun! Tell Levi that fried frog's legs are what chicken really wants to taste like - they are AWESOME! Trust me on this one.
